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It's all about the bass! - Happy New Year

Everybody sings to me: "It's all about the bass" and I tell them: no, it is all about the people!

It is the people who have made 2015 so special: All my new friends from the Mexico String Teacher Workshop, my new friends from the Michigan Opera production of Weinberg's "The Passenger", my new and old friends I saw in my masterclasses in Prague, Mannheim, Kraków and Sifnos and my new friends at the Washington Teachers College.

Of course my family, my old friends and my colleagues have made this year so special as well: my students, my young and wonderful Orchestra, the team of Dan the Guard, (the first Hebrew Opera by Mark Lavry), the two teams that turned into reality my new CD Mostly Transcriptions Vol. 2 and my new website.

As 2016 is at the door, I feel the wind of change: new horizons, new musical collaborations and social and educational start-ups. New recordings, new videos, arrangements and articles.

I wish us all a year of growth, a year of explorations and a year of change.

Much Love


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